"Exploring Approach to Reducing the Housing Deficit in Ghana: The Role of Government and Private Sector"

Background of the Summit

According to the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), 2021 Report estimates a staggering 1.8 million housing deficit in Ghana. 

It is estimated that a whopping amount of about $2.5 billion is required annually to close the housing gap in Ghana. 

Whiles there are calls to close this housing gap increases, there are also key concerns regards affordability, high interest rate on mortgages etc against the rising cost of building materials.

Against this backdrop, AM Network with Sponsorship from Senco Global Developers Ltd and SG Capital PLC organizing the 1st Ghana Housing Summit that brings together real estate and construction industry players; policy markers; media; civil society; investors; financial institution and entrepreneurs on a common platform to to discuss practical solutions to tackling the huge housing deficits in Ghana.

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Objectives of the Summit

To bring stakeholders in the housing sector to discuss practical measure to tackle the housing deficit

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Who Can Attend

Real Estate & Construction industry players; media; CSOs; academia etc

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How to register

Complete our registration form to register to participate FREE.

What you’ll Discover at Conference

  • Explore a wide array of properties in Ghana
  • Gain insights from industry experts: Learn from real estate professionals about market trends, financing options, and more.
  • Access exclusive discounts and promotions: Expo attendees will have the opportunity to access special offers and promotions from participating developers.
  • Connect with professionals and fellow homebuyers: Network with industry experts, real estate agents, and fellow homebuyers to share experiences and gather valuable insights
  • Learn how to invest in properties in Ghana
  • Have the opportunity to sign partnership contracts.

Virtual Launching of the Expo

Virtual Launching of the Expo: March 19, 2024

This virtual launching of the expo offers participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in the experience, interact with 3D models, virtually walk through rooms, and absorb the unique ambiance of each showcased property.

Virtual reality tools will empower attendees to experiment with customization options, unlocking the potential for their dream homes.

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Meet Speaker

During the virtual launch, Senco Global Developers will take center stage, showcasing a diverse range of homes – from cozy apartments to luxurious estates. This promises to be a visual feast, allowing participants to explore the diversity and beauty of homes in both Ghana and the UK.

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Why you should attend

1. Explore a wide array of properties without leaving your home: Virtually tour different homes and discover the one that resonates with your vision. 2. Gain insights from industry experts: Learn from real estate professionals about *market trends, financing options, and more. 3. Access exclusive discounts and promotions: Expo attendees will have the opportunity to access special offers and promotions from participating developers. 4. Connect with professionals and fellow homebuyers: Network with industry experts, real estate agents, and fellow homebuyers to share experiences and gather valuable insights.

Event Speakers

Meet Our Speakers

Mawuli Korsi Senyo


Naeema Ahmed Baidoo

Head of UK Event
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  • Venue

    Grand Conference Hall

  • Address

    2715 Ash Dr. San Jose, South Dakota 83475

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